Sunday, June 1, 2008

$5 a gallon? More? Not if we can help it

Gas prices can be brought down, and they can be brought down by you, says a new website,

The website suggests a three-step plan the U.S. government could implement to reduce fuel pump costs in both the short term and long term and encourages citizens to urge their legislators to act.

Craig R. Smith is co-author of the book Black Gold Stranglehold and founder of the website. "Instead of whining, complaining and blaming everyone, from OPEC to big oil to President Bush," said Smith, "let's actually do something about it!"

The website's plan calls for "We the People" to rise up and insist our legislators take three steps: Drill for oil in American territory, build refineries, and strengthen the dollar by reducing the national debt.

These steps, Smith insists, will reduce dependence on foreign oil, increase gasoline supply, counter inflation and "flush out widespread energy speculation from the market."

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