Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bible class bill goes to governor

A bill that authorizes the Tennessee Board of Education to create an academic nonsectarian elective course about the Bible has passed the state House and Senate and is now going to Gov. Phil Bredesen for his signature.

The bill was sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Roy Herron, D-Dresden, who represents Henry County as part of his district.

The bill also protects the existing Bible courses presently taught in less than 20 percent of Tennessee counties, Herron said.

“Our teachers cannot constitutionally preach the Bible, but they can teach the Bible,” Herron said. “The Bible is the world’s best-selling and most influential book. It has shaped this country and changed this world. Our young people must know the Bible to understand literature, art, music, culture, history and politics.”

Herron said the bill survived vigorous debate both in committee and on the floor of both chambers of the state Legislature.

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