Sunday, April 27, 2008

Miracle Fruit Makes (Almost) Everything Delicious

Willy Wonka came up with some pretty cool confectionary creations: Non-melting ice cream. The Everlasting Gobstopper. Edible wallpaper. And who wouldn't have loved to try his Three-Course-Dinner-Gum? (Though we probably wouldn't have been so wild about turning into a giant blueberry, a la Violet Beauregard.)

But did you know there's a nature-made treat that rivals any of Wonka's wild concoctions? It's the miracle fruit, a berry from West Africa with an amazing effect: When you eat a piece of the strange fruit, it makes everything sour taste sweet for the next hour or so.

That means, with the magical effects of the miracle fruit in place, you can scarf down lemon slices as if they were gummy drops. The tang of goat cheese turns to sugary sweetness.
Article at the Wall Street Journal
Description from Gimundo


Turkeyphant said...

Hey thanks for the links. I'm ordering some from - can't wait for them to arrive...

L.B. said...

Hey, you might be interested in this: “The Fruit Hunters: A Story of Nature, Obsession, Commerce and Obsession,” brand new book about the fruit underworld, it’s a trip around the globe in search of undiscovered, delicious fruits and the people who love them. It's also the first book to fully explore the incredible saga of the miracle fruit:

you can see more here:

and there's a youtube teaser vid for the book here:
