Friday, March 28, 2008

Texas Pro-Life Billboard Gets People to Thinking

A pro-life group in Texas is drawing attention to the Abortion Breast Cancer link and Planned Parenthood's relationship with the Susan G. Komen Foundation with a new billboard that raises serious questions -- and is drawing fire.

Pro-Life Waco has set up a billboard on the 1700 block of Franklin Avenue that poses suggestive questions: "What? An abortion increases my risk for breast cancer? Why does the Komen Race grant $45,000 to Waco's Planned Parenthood abortion provider?"

More fro LifeNews

1 comment:

prolifefootsoldier said...

Hi John and readers of your blog. I am John Pisciotta, with Pro-Life Waco. If you or any of your readers would like to be on our e-list to keep up with this Komen challenge to the Dark Side and other challenges we are involved in for the Gospel of Life, just send me an email message.