Monday, March 31, 2008

Five Ways to Save Gas Money

It seems every day, gas pump prices hit another record high. The national average for regular unleaded, as of March 31, was $3.29 per gallon, up 23% over the past year. Prices are expected to top the $4 mark this summer. But don't let $80.00 fill-ups pump the fun out of your warm, sunny days. Here are five ways to score solid savings when you pull into the service station.
More from Kiplinger

Fasting May Improve Cancer Chemotherapy

March 31, 2008 -- Fasting prior to cancer chemotherapy treatment may significantly enhance the cancer-killing effects of the drugs while protecting healthy cells from damage.

A new study suggests starvation induces a protective shield around healthy cells, allowing them to tolerate a much higher dose of chemotherapy.

More from WebMD

Who did the most to help victims of Hurricane Katrina? According to a new study, it was the company everyone loves to hate

Not only did they help thousands of people, but they even ended up saving quite a few lives. Even if you are the biggest retailer in the world, it pays to be in the local community.
More from the National Post

Nanomaterial turns radiation directly into electricity

Materials that directly convert radiation into electricity could produce a new era of spacecraft and even Earth-based vehicles powered by high-powered nuclear batteries, say US researchers.
More from NewScientistTech

Students: Teacher Grabbed Wheel of Out-of-Control Bus, Saving Children on Field Trip

The driver of a bus carrying 44 children on a field trip passed out at the wheel, and a teacher's quick actions kept the vehicle from careening into oncoming traffic, students said.
More from Fox News.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Inflatable Water Sea Saw

Hop aboard this giant inflatable PVC see-saw and hang on! Just like the playground version, but way more fun, you and a friend take turns rocking, rolling and splashing up a storm as you float across the pool or lake! For kids and adults! Hurry Summer, Hurry!!!
Link to the Sea-Saw, I mean See-Saw

A Victim Treats His Mugger Right

When robbed, this young man said to the robber he looked cold and offered his coat also. He must have read the Sermon on the Mount. Read this brave and heartwarming story, with audio too.
Story at NPR

11 year old has "GET UR DONE" attitude when older aldults are baffled

When those in charge of the computer network of a small school was stumped and corn-fused, look who they came to for help. For him, it was like a kid in a candy store. I hope you enjoy this, our 100th post!
More at NetworkWorld

Days of Caution

I just wanted to let you know about my other blog, sorry its not as bright and sunny as this one is. It's a newsblog intended to inform about disturbing things in our world that need attention and prayer. It's not an easy read at times, but it will help to keep you informed. Bookmark it and check it often, I try to add posts daily.

Check out DAYS OF CAUTION right here.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Top 25 christian websites

This is not a list of the best 25 Christian Websites, that would be very subjective at best. These are the ones that get the most visitors. Some I would not say are so good but some are excellent and should be bookmarked.
The Top 25 Christian Websites

Texas Pro-Life Billboard Gets People to Thinking

A pro-life group in Texas is drawing attention to the Abortion Breast Cancer link and Planned Parenthood's relationship with the Susan G. Komen Foundation with a new billboard that raises serious questions -- and is drawing fire.

Pro-Life Waco has set up a billboard on the 1700 block of Franklin Avenue that poses suggestive questions: "What? An abortion increases my risk for breast cancer? Why does the Komen Race grant $45,000 to Waco's Planned Parenthood abortion provider?"

More fro LifeNews

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can A Chocolate Bar Lower Cholesterol?

Most people have been told since childhood that too much candy is bad for them, but the Mars candy company says its latest confectionary creation may actually help lower cholesterol levels, Boston television station WCVB reported.The candy giant said it did a study with researchers at the University of Illinois that showed that daily consumption of its CocoaVia dark chocolate bars "significantly lowered total cholesterol by 2 percent and LDL or 'bad' cholesterol levels by 5.3 percent."
More on this tasty subject.

Christian Filmmakers to Compete for Largest Cash Prize - $101,000

Independent Christian filmmakers have the opportunity to receive the largest cash prize ever awarded at a film festival.

One lucky and talented Christian filmmaker will receive $101,000 and a “Best of Festival” Jubilee Award next year from the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.

The winner will be announced during a ceremony at the festival, which is slated for Jan. 2009. The amount is more than 10 times what the festival awarded to past "Best of Film" winners, who received $10,000.

More at The Christian Post

San Antonio Indepedent Christian Film Festival Site

Buy Movies at

Honeybees may be making a comeback

Things are looking up for honey bees this year, but keepers know only too well that a fine line separates a good year from a disastrous one.
As many as 85 percent of the honey bees across the state survived the winter, experts estimate. That's a big change from this time last year, when beekeepers opened their hives to find that a cold snap and a mysterious disease had killed off 72 percent of Ohio bees.
More from the Columbus Dispatch

Adobe opens shop on Web-based Photoshop Express - And It's FREE!

Adobe Systems opened up Photoshop Express on Thursday, its long-anticipated Web-based image editor aimed at the millions of consumers that want a simple way to touch up, share, and store photos.

Photoshop Express, available for free with 2 gigabytes of storage at, is a significant departure from Adobe's desktop software business and a big bet that it can make money offering Web services directly to consumers.

More on this great news from CNET

The Web's best free stuff

There's a wealth of downloadable software and online services, but free doesn't necessarily mean good. Here's some of the best of the bunch
The good stuff from InfoWorld is RIGHT HERE.

Top 10 2008 Hybrids

Tired of paying an arm and a leg for gas? Check out these models, they do cost more but the money you will save on gas might be worth it if you can afford them.
The Top 10 from Yahoo Autos

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Montana leads the way in U.S. success in curbing meth

In two years, the state dropped from fifth to 39th in the use of the illegal drug. Its secret: good advertising.
More at CSM

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How Solar Panels Could Power 90% of US Transportation

In January, Scientific American writers unleashed an ambitious plan to halt global warming, eliminate our dependence on petroleum and the substantial trade deficit, boost the economy and create 3 million jobs, and brighten the dismal forecasts for the mid twenty-first century.
More at Gas 2.0

Kindness of strangers benefits tallest man

Leonid Stadnik's phenomenal height has forced him to quit a job he loved and to stoop as he moves around his house.

But Stadnik, who Guinness World Records says is the world's tallest human, says his condition has also taught him that there are many kindhearted strangers.

More at MSNBC

Funny Pic Dept.

No Worries, Spring is almost here!

Man declared dead, says he feels 'pretty good'

Zach Dunlap says he feels "pretty good," four months after he was declared brain dead and doctors were about to remove his organs for transplant.
More at CNN

Breakthrough Cancer Surgery Saves Terminal Patient

It took seven surgeons more than 15 hours, in which they removed her stomach, pancreas, spleen, liver and large and small intestines, while keeping Zepp alive. Once they cut out the tumor, which was wrapped around a major artery, they painstakenly put all the organs back in her body.

In other words, it was like taking the engine out of a car to repair it while the car is still running.

More at ABC News

Sunday, March 23, 2008

More Vitamin D in Childhood Cuts Later Diabetes Risk

Children who take vitamin D supplements may be less likely to develop type 1 diabetes later in life, according to researchers who analyzed the findings of five previously published studies.
More at Yahoo News
Vitamin D Facts from Natural
Dangers from lack of Vitamin D fro the Seattle Times

When the Big Labels gave up on Dolly, Dolly desided to Do It Herself

It was a great choice. Backwoods Barbie, her latest CD is at #2 on the Billboard charts, her biggest hit in a long, long time. With modern technology, more and more people are proving that you don't need to depend on the big labels anymore, and you can also keep more of the money.
More at Yahoo News

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Prevent Heart Attacks Without Drugs

Unlike most physicians, naturopathic doctors don’t look to pharmaceutical companies as their first line of defense against heart disease. Instead, they turn to natural means of lowering risk.
More at NewsMax

Friday, March 21, 2008

Still Made in the USA

Would you be willing to pay a little extra for goods made in the USA? Join the club. Polls show a majority of Americans willing to do the same. "How Americans Can Buy American: The Power of Consumer Patriotism" is hot off the press, providing tips and listing thousands of retail outlets owned by Americans as well as manufacturers still operating in the U.S.
More INFO on this guide to the American Made Goods

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tired of Gas? Check Out Gas 2.0

Electrics Cars, Biofeuls, Hybrids, and more ....... its all here. Get the latest news about the upcoming energy REVOLUTION.
Gas 2.0

Science, Bible Agree: Giving Is Better

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bible counsels misers that it's better to give than to receive. Science agrees. People who made gifts to others or to charities reported they were happier than folks who didn't share, according to a report in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

While previous studies have shown that having more money can increase happiness, the researchers at the University of British Columbia and Harvard University wondered if the way people spent their money made any difference.

Turns out, it does.

More at MyWay News

Good Marriage Equals Good Blood Pressure

Analysis found that the more marital satisfaction and adjustment spouses reported, the lower their average blood pressure was over the 24 hours and during the daytime.
More at MyWay News

Anything that grows 'can convert into oil'

After three years of clandestine development, a Georgia company is now going public with a simple, natural way to convert anything that grows out of the Earth into oil.

J.C. Bell, an agricultural researcher and CEO of Bell Bio-Energy, Inc., says he's isolated and modified specific bacteria that will, on a very large scale, naturally change plant material – including the leftovers from food – into hydrocarbons to fuel cars and trucks.
More at WorldNetDaily

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

77 WAYS TO SAY NO TO WEED and still be Cool.

Image of a little pot.

Here are few of the good ones.

01. No, I already eat too much junk food
04. No thanks, I'm into reality
10. No, I never smoke on days that end in Y
27. No, I only smoke sausage
50. No, weeds are for whacking
53. I prefer my brown eyes to your red ones
68. No way, I might be tempted to eat school food
More Great Reasons...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Five Ways to Give without Spending a Dime

Feed a hungry child, give safe water, rescue animals, prevent breast cancer and more. 5 neat sites to help those in need just by clicking or playing a game.
5 free ways to give.

Believers Are Happier Than Atheists

People who believe in God are happier than agnostics or atheists, researchers claimed yesterday.
More from the Telegraph

Farmer Buys Waterbeds for His Very Happy Milk Cows

BAINBRIDGE, Ohio -- Happy cows produce more milk. That's why Bill Timmons put waterbeds in his barn.

Go ahead, get the chuckle out of the way. Timmons expects a few laughs over the creature comforts now extended to his herd. The Geauga County farmer installed 200 of the squishy mattresses in the bovine boudoir. Spent nearly $40,000 doing it, too.

More from Fox News Cleveland

Students Have Their Say About Homeschooling

"The court cannot 'make' something illegal – that's the legislature's job. Sheesh!" wrote Jon Chi Lou, of Heritage Christian High School. And Hye-Sung F. Gehring added, "This is ridiculous. California is retarded. Always has been."
More from WorldNetDaily

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Human trials to begin on 'diabetes cure' after terminally ill mice are returned to health

Most diabetes sufferers could be cured within four years if a revolutionary treatment involving the BCG vaccine works, scientists said yesterday.

A human clinical trial with hopes of finding a cure for type 1 diabetes is to start at a leading American research hospital using BCG, universally given for many years in Britain to prevent tuberculosis.

More from the Daily Mail

16 Year Old Discovers Treatment for Cancer, Sells Findings for $18.4 mill.

16 year old Chelsea Hogan has always been fond of medicine and the structure and mysteries of the human body. At age 12, Chelsea began studying the effects of cancer causing agents and how they affect the body. By the age of 13, Chelsea�s understanding of the subject far surpassed those of many medical students far older than her.
More at

The First Signs of Spring

A few early spring pics from my new Panasonic camera. You can click the pics to enlarge.

Breast-feeding seen to curb type 2 diabetes later

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Breast-fed babies appear to be less likely to develop type 2 diabetes when they reach adolescence, according to findings published in the medical journal Diabetes Care.
More at Yahoo News

G-rated movies power 2007 Box Office Again

Family films fare 438% better than R-rated flix in latest study.
More at WorldNetDaily

The Dog Who Helped A Boy To Speak

It was six years and barely a peep, even though doctors could find nothing medially wrong with the child. Everyone was at wit's end, until one day last December when Marc came home from school looking like he was about to burst.
More from CBS News with Video

20 Ways to Combat Allergies

You're going to wage battle inside your house and even inside your body to reduce the number of allergy attacks you suffer and minimize those so-annoying symptoms. Allergies may not be life-threatening, but they're nothing to sneeze at either. Here are 20 of the best ways to protect yourself.
From Readers Digest

Friday, March 14, 2008

Awesome Collection of Funny Animal Pics

These are truely wonderful, but since the collections are large they will take awhile to load.
From Dark Roasted Blend
and here's even more.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Itroducing God's New Harvard

Harvard and Yale used to be strongly Christian, and promoting of sound values. This school wants to follow in their prior tradition to be all they used to be.
More at WorldNetDaily

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Want to buy a Mastodon? Here's Your Chance.

I bet it's not really 3 million years old, but it could have found its demise by the great flood. Anyway, right now it doesn't have any bids on E-Bay, and the bidding starts at $115,000. Some assembly required.
Actual Auction at E-Bay. You know you want this one on your watch list.

Eyes on prize: Visionary device gives hope

A bionic device the size of a pencil eraser - the labor of 20 years for a group of visionary Hub doctors and scientists - is offering hope that some forms of blindness could be alleviated within a few years.
More from the Boston Herald

Second Petition to oppose CA homeschooling ban.

A second petition has been launched in opposition to a California appeals court's ruling that is being interpreted to ban homeschooling in the state, this one an appeal to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the state legislature, who already have expressed concern over the court's activism.
More from WorldNetDaily
Also hear what Chuck Norris has to say about homeschooling.